hold 3 nye danse

10/4-24If I Don’t – link kommer snarestIntGary O´Reilley
3/4-24Life With YouIntJamie Barnfield & Karl-Harry Winson
6/3-24BreatheIntSimon Ward
21/2-24Face The MusicIntMaddison Glover
21/2-24Johnnie Walker BluesHigh ImpMaddison Glover
24/1-24The Card You GambleHigh ImpGary O´Reilly
17/1-24Around the FireIntKate Sala, Chrystel Durand, Darren Bailey, Guillaume Richard
6/12-23UnhealthyPhrased IntLuna Valerioti
15/11-23My Final PourIntJoshua Talbot & Helen Ng
1/11-232 Hearts on a HighwayEasy IntRia Vos
25/10-23The Last To KnowImpLesley Stewart
20/9-23Waiting On YouLow AdvGary O´Reilly & Maggie Gallagher
6/9-23Telling On My HeartIntRia Vos
30/8-23WreckageIntFred Whitehouse & Shane McKeever